%0 Journal Article %T Fib3-3 as a Biomarker for Osteoarthritis in a Rat Model with Metabolic Dysregulation %A Christelle Sanchez %A Floris P. J. G. Lafeber %A Harrie Weinans %A Huub M. de Visser %A Simon C. Mastbergen %A Yves E. Henrotin %J Archive of "Cartilage". %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1947603518754629 %X Fibulin-3 is a glycoprotein highly expressed in osteoarthritic cartilage and inhibits angiogenesis and chondrocyte differentiation. Recent studies have indicated that fibulin-3 has potential value as a biomarker in osteoarthritis. The aim of the present study is to examine the role of 3 fibulin-3 peptides (Fib3-1, Fib3-2, and Fib3-3) and a type II collagen degradation product in a rat osteoarthritis model with systemic metabolic alterations combined with local cartilage damage %K osteoarthritis %K biomarker %K articular cartilage %K animal model %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6585292/