%0 Journal Article %T Normal Aging Brain Collection Amsterdam (NABCA): A comprehensive collection of postmortem high-field imaging, neuropathological and morphometric datasets of non-neurological controls %A Annemieke J.M. Rozemuller %A Eliane Kaaij %A Frederik Barkhof %A Jeroen J.G. Geurts %A Laura E. Jonkman %A Louise van der Weerd %A Marjolein Bulk %A Petra J.W. Pouwels %A Wilma D.J. van de Berg %A Yvon Galis-de Graaf %J Archive of "NeuroImage : Clinical". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101698 %X Well-characterized, high-quality brain tissue of non-neurological control subjects is a prerequisite to study the healthy aging brain, and can serve as a control for the study of neurological disorders. The Normal Aging Brain Collection Amsterdam (NABCA) provides a comprehensive collection of post-mortem (ultra-)high-field MRI (3Tesla and 7£¿Tesla) and neuropathological datasets of non-neurological controls. By providing MRI within the pipeline, NABCA uniquely stimulates translational neurosciences; from molecular and morphometric tissue studies to the clinical setting. We describe our pipeline, including a description of our on-call autopsy team, donor selection, in situ and ex vivo post-mortem MRI protocols, brain dissection and neuropathological diagnosis. A demographic, radiological and pathological overview of five selected cases on all these aspects is provided. Additionally, information is given on data management, data and tissue application procedures, including review by a scientific advisory board, and setting up a material transfer agreement before distribution of tissue. Finally, we focus on future prospects, which includes laying the foundation for a unique platform for neuroanatomical, histopathological and neuro-radiological education, of professionals, students and the general (lay) audience %K Brain banking %K Non-neurological controls %K MRI %K Neuropathology %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6360607/