%0 Journal Article %T Thumbs up: Imagined hand movements counteract the adverse effects of post-surgical hand immobilization. Clinical, behavioral, and fMRI longitudinal observations %A Alberto Zerbi %A Antonio De Santis %A Eraldo Paulesu %A Gianluca Saetta %A Giuseppe Banfi %A Laura Zapparoli %A Martina Gandola %A Maurilio Bruno %A Valerio Sansone %J Archive of "NeuroImage : Clinical". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101838 %X Motor imagery (M.I.) training has been widely used to enhance motor behavior. To characterize the neural foundations of its rehabilitative effects in a pathological population we studied twenty-two patients with rhizarthrosis, a chronic degenerative articular disease in which thumb-to-fingers opposition becomes difficult due to increasing pain while the brain is typically intact. Before and after surgery, patients underwent behavioral tests to measure pain and motor performance and fMRI measurements of brain motor activity %K Mental imagery training %K Trapeziometacarpal joint osteoarthritis %K Rhizarthrosis %K Brain plasticity %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6506638/