%0 Journal Article %T Bacterial riboswitches and RNA thermometers: Nature and contributions to pathogenesis %A Jameel M. Abduljalil %J Archive of "Non-coding RNA Research". %D 2018 %R 10.1016/j.ncrna.2018.04.003 %X Bacterial pathogens are always challenged by fluctuations of chemical and physical parameters that pose serious threats to cellular integrity and metabolic status. Sudden deprivation of nutrients or key metabolites, changes in surrounding pH, and temperature shifts are the most important examples of such parameters. To elicit a proper response to such fluctuations, bacterial cells coordinate the expression of parameter-relevant genes. Although protein-mediated control of gene expression is well appreciated since many decades, RNA-based regulation has been discovered in early 2000s as a parallel level of regulation. Small regulatory RNAs have emerged as one of the most widespread and important gene regulatory systems in bacteria with rare representatives found in Archaea and Eukarya. Riboswitches and thermosensors are cis-encoded RNA regulatory elements that employ different mechanisms to regulate the expression of related genes controlling key metabolic pathways and genes of temperature relevant proteins including virulence factors. The extent of RNA contributions to gene regulation is not completely known even in well-studied models such E. coli and B. subtilis. In depth understanding of riboswitches is promising for opportunity to discover a narrow spectrum antibacterial drugs that target riboswitches of essential metabolic pathways %K Riboswitches %K Aptamer %K Transcription termination %K RNA thermometer %K Gene expression %K Bacterial pathogenicity %K Virulence FMN %K Flavin mononucleotide %K SAM %K S-adenosylmethionine %K SAH %K S-adenosylhomocysteine %K SD %K Shine-Dalgarno %K AdoCbl %K adenosylcobalamine %K RNAP %K RNA polymerase %K RNAT %K RNA thermometer %K TPP %K Thiamine pyrophosphate %K RBS %K Ribosomal Binding Site %K ORFs %K open reading frames %K 5£¿-UTRs %K 5£¿-untranslated region %K CSPs %K Cold Shock Proteins %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6096418/