%0 Journal Article %T ¡®Cellulomonas timonensis¡¯ sp. nov., taxonogenomics description of a new bacterial species isolated from human gut %A C. Robert %A D. Raoult %A F. Bittar %A F. Di Pinto %A J.-C. Lagier %A M. Beye %A P.-E. Fournier %A S. Ndongo %J Archive of "New Microbes and New Infections". %D 2018 %R 10.1016/j.nmni.2018.01.003 %X ¡®Cellulomonas timonensis¡¯ sp. nov. strain sn7T is a new species within the Cellulomonas genus. We present the main phenotypic characteristics and provide a complete annotation of its genome sequence. This facultative anaerobic bacterium, isolated from the stool of 38-year-old obese Frenchman, is Gram-positive, has motile rods and is sporulating. The genome is 4 057 828 bp long with 72.42% G + C content. Of the 3732 predicted genes, 3667 were protein-coding genes and 65 were RNAs %K Cellulomonas timonensis %K culturomics %K genome %K human gut microbiota %K taxonogenomics %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5913061/