%0 Journal Article %T Surgical Standards for Management of the Axilla in Breast Cancer Clinical Trials with Pathological Complete Response Endpoint %A Bret Taback %A Brigid Killelea %A Cheryl A. Ewing %A Claire L. Buchanan %A Claudine J. Isaacs %A Constantine Godellas %A David A. Potter %A Eleni A. Tousimis %A Filipa Lynce %A Gillian L. Hirst %A Hanina Hibshoosh %A Henry G. Kaplan %A Husain A. Sattar %A James W. Jakub %A Jane Perlmutter %A Jasmine M. Wong %A Jay C. Zeck %A Jeffrey B. Matthews %A Jeffrey Mueller %A Jodi M. Carter %A Judy C. Boughey %A Julie E. Lang %A Kevin M. Kalinsky %A Laura J. Esserman %A M. Catherine Lee %A Margaret Chen %A Michael D. Alvarado %A Nora T. Jaskowiak %A Paula R. Pohlmann %A Paulette Mhawech-Fauceglia %A Rachael B. Lancaster %A Rita Mukhtar %A Rita Nanda %A Roshni Rao %A Smita Asare %A Tara Sanft %A Tina J. Hieken %A Todd M. Tuttle %A W. Fraser Symmans %A and I-SPY 2 Investigators %J Archive of "NPJ Breast Cancer". %D 2018 %R 10.1038/s41523-018-0074-6 %X Current methods of management of axilla at the time of surgery in node positive patients who undergo NAC, as reported by participating surgeons surveyed in the I-SPY2 tria %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6098077/