%0 Journal Article %T LobSig is a multigene predictor of outcome in invasive lobular carcinoma %A Alan Robertson %A Amy E. McCart Reed %A Andrew J. Dalley %A Colleen Niland %A Craig P. Coorey %A Georgia Chenevix-Trench %A Gregory Miller %A Jamie R. Kutasovic %A Jodi M. Saunus %A Julie Johnson %A Kaltin Ferguson %A Lachlan Coin %A Leesa Wockner %A Luyu Kuo %A Lynne E. Reid %A Peter T. Simpson %A Priyakshi Kalita-de Croft %A Renique Males %A Samir Lal %A Sunil R. Lakhani %A Xavier M. de Luca %J Archive of "NPJ Breast Cancer". %D 2019 %R 10.1038/s41523-019-0113-y %X ILC genomic landscape. a Copy number landscape of 303 ILC tumors as demonstrated by frequency of alteration (%, Y-axis) across the genome (chromosomes on X-axis). Red, amplification (Amp); pink, Gain; light blue, Loss; dark blue, homozygous deletion (HD). b GISTIC significant focal alterations. Amplifications in red and deletions in blue, significant false discovery rate (FDR) in green. c Heatmap of frequency of recurrent co-amplifications in ILC tumors. d FISH analysis showing co-amplification (yellow) of FGFR1 (green) and CCND1 (red) in an ILC case identified as having co-amplification of 8p12 and 11q13 by SNP array. Note increased numbers of signals for both genes in individual nuclei; signals also often clustered/joined (arrows) suggesting a complex clustered rearrangement process involving translocation between these gene regions. e shows normal cells diploid for both genes; f shows a tumor cell nucleus with multiple copies of FGFR1 (green) and a chromosome 8 centromere probe (red); g shows two tumor nuclei analyzed for CCND1 (red) and a chromosome 11 centromere probe (green). LCIS present in the same section displayed the same pattern of co-amplification (not shown), while no evidence of gene copy number change was seen in surrounding columnar cell lesions (not shown). h Boxplot of copy number versus mRNA expression z-scores of FISH targets FGFR1 and CCND1; central line is median, with whiskers extending from the 25th and 75th percentiles. I Spearman genes plotted as ¦Ñ across chromosomal location (X-axis) and ANOVA genes plotted as £¿log£¿P value across chromosomes. Green lines represent cut-off point of significance (¦Ñ£¿>£¿0.06; P£¿<£¿0.00001 %K Cancer genomics %K Breast cancer %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6597578/