%0 Journal Article %T Heterocellular gene signatures reveal luminal-A breast cancer heterogeneity and differential therapeutic responses %A Anguraj Sadanandam %A Gift Nyamundanda %A Maggie Chon U Cheang %A Pawan Poudel %A Yatish Patil %J Archive of "NPJ Breast Cancer". %D 2019 %R 10.1038/s41523-019-0116-8 %X Association of breast cancer with heterocellular subtypes. a Heatmap showing the expression of the top highly variable genes (standard deviation; SD >ˋ2), specifically immune genes, and their association with breast cancer subtype samples (nˋ=ˋ817) from TCGA.23 Highlighted genes represent selected immune specific genes that show high expression in multiple subtypes. b Proportion of CMS subtypes in multiple breast cancer data sets每TCGA23 (nˋ=ˋ671) and {"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE42568","term_id":"42568"}}GSE4256824 (nˋ=ˋ69). c Proportion of heterocellular subtypes in multiple breast cancer data sets每TCGA23 (nˋ=ˋ407) and {"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE42568","term_id":"42568"}}GSE4256824 (nˋ=ˋ63). Although heterocellular signatures were derived from entirely different cancer type (CRC), we observed that about half of the breast cancer samples were classified into all of the five heterocellular subtypes (stringent cutoff was used for mixed/low-confidence sample selection as discussed;13 Supplementary Table 1c). d Heatmap showing sample enrichment analysis using hypergeometric test-based FDR values comparing heterocellular subtypes (y axis) with intrinsic gene expression subtypes (x axis) in the TCGA23 breast cancer data set (nˋ=ˋ407; Supplementary Table 1e每g). e Pie chart showing proportions of different heterocellular subtypes in luminal-A breast cancer samples (total nˋ=ˋ202; enterocyte (nˋ=ˋ31), goblet-like (nˋ=ˋ34), inflammatory (nˋ=ˋ25), stem-like (nˋ=ˋ90), TA (nˋ=ˋ22); TCGA breast cancer23). Only those samples classified into subtypes with high confidence by the CMS and heterocellular classifiers were shown in b每e). Summary of low and high confidence samples for both subtype classifications are shown in Supplementary Tables 1a每d and 2a每d and described in Methods sectio %K Tumour heterogeneity %K Cancer genomics %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6677833/