%0 Journal Article %T The Effect of Comprehensive Medical Care on the Long-Term Outcomes of Children Discharged from the NICU with Tracheostomy %A Amir Khan %A Aravind Yadav %A Cheryl Samuels %A Chiamaka Aneji %A Cindy Jon %A Claudia Pedroza %A Fatima Boricha %A James Stark %A Jon E. Tyson %A Julie Eapen %A Katrina McBeth %A Ricardo A. Mosquera %A Sandra McKay %A Tomika Harris %A Traci Gonzales %A Wilfredo De Jesus-Rojas %J Archive of "The Open Respiratory Medicine Journal". %D 2018 %R 10.2174/1874306401812010039 %X Survival of infants with complex care has led to a growing population of technology-dependent children. Medical technology introduces additional complexity to patient care. Outcomes after NICU discharge comparing Usual Care (UC) with Comprehensive Care (CC) remain elusive %K Decannulation %K Tracheostomy %K Complex-care %K Mortality %K Comprehensive-care %K Usual-care %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6110063/