%0 Journal Article %T Challenges of Obtaining Informed Consent in Emergency Ward: A Qualitative Study in One Iranian Hospital %A Mohammad Saeed Zokaei %A Nahid Dehghan Nayeri %A Nayyereh Davoudi %A Nematallah Fazeli %J Archive of "The Open Nursing Journal". %D 2017 %R 10.2174/1874434601711010263 %X Regarding the fact that emergency ward has unique characteristics, whose uniqueness affects informed consent processes by creating specific challenges. Hence, it seems necessary to identify the process and challenges of informed consent in the emergency ward through a qualitative study to understand actual patients¡¯ and health care providers¡¯ experiences, beliefs, values, and feelings about the informed consent in the emergency ward. Through such studies, new insight can be gained on the process of informed consent and its challenges with the hope that the resulting knowledge will enable the promotion of ethical, legal as well as effective health services to the patients in the emergency ward %K Informed consent %K Emergency ward %K Qualitative content analysis %K Medical paternalism %K Healthcare providers %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5759103/