%0 Journal Article %T Transforming Nursing Education to Strengthen Health System in Malawi: An Exploratory Study %A Ntombifikile Gloria Mtshali %A Thokozani Bvumbwe %J Archive of "The Open Nursing Journal". %D 2018 %R 10.2174/1874434601812010093 %X Malawi made great strides to increase the number of nurses through the Emergency Human Resource for Health Program. However, quantity of health workforce alone is not adequate to strengthen the health system. Malawi still reports skill mix imbalance and geographical mal-distribution of the nursing workforce. Health systems must continuously adapt and evolve according to the health care needs and inform health professionals¡¯ education to accelerate gains in health outcomes. The Lancet Commission reported that health professionals¡¯ education has generally not lived up pace with health care demands %K Malawi %K Nursing education %K Quality %K Quantity %K Relevance %K Strategies %K Tranformng %K Scale up %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5997875/