%0 Journal Article %T Walnut phenolic extracts reduce telomere length and telomerase activity in a colon cancer stem cell model %A Jina Choi %A Myung-Sunny Kim %A Phil-Kyung Shin %A Sang-Woon Choi %A Yoonchae Zoh %A Yuri Kim %J Archive of "Nutrition Research and Practice". %D 2019 %R 10.4162/nrp.2019.13.1.58 %X Telomeres are located at the chromosomal ends and progressively shortened during each cell cycle. Telomerase, which is regulated by hTERT and c-MYC, maintains telomeric DNA sequences. Especially, telomerase is active in cancer and stem cells to maintain telomere length for replicative immortality. Recently we reported that walnut phenolic extract (WPE) can reduce cell viability in a colon cancer stem cell (CSC) model. We, therefore, investigated the effect of WPE on telomere maintenance in the same model %K Walnut %K colonic neoplasms %K stem cells %K telomere %K telomerase %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6369112/