%0 Journal Article %T Apolipoprotein B Gene Polymorphisms and Dyslipidemia in HIV Infected Adult Zimbabweans %A Babill Stray-Pedersen %A Danai Tavonga Zhou %A Exnevia Gomo %A Kerina Duri %A Olav Oektedalen %A Vitaris Kodogo %J Archive of "The Open AIDS Journal". %D 2016 %R 10.2174/1874613601610010190 %X Dyslipidemia does not occur in all HIV-infected or antiretroviral therapy-experienced patients suggesting role of host genetic factors but there is paucity of data on association between dyslipidemia and gene polymorphisms in Zimbabwe %K APOB %K ART %K CHD %K Dyslipidemia %K EcoR1 %K HIV %K Lipoproteins %K Xba1 %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5070423/