%0 Journal Article %T A prophylactic ¦Á-Gal-based glycovaccine effectively protects against murine acute Chagas disease %A Alexandre F. Marques %A Brenda G. Zepeda %A Eva Iniguez %A Igor C. Almeida %A Janet J. Olivas %A Katja Michael %A Nasim H. Karimi %A Otacilio C. Moreira %A Rosa A. Maldonado %A Susana Portillo %J Archive of "NPJ Vaccines". %D 2019 %R 10.1038/s41541-019-0107-7 %X ¦Á1,3GalT-WT and ¦Á1,3GalT-KO mice exhibit different immune responses to T. cruzi infection. a Parasitemia in ¦Á1,3GalT-WT and ¦Á1,3GalT-KO mice infected (intraperitoneally (i.p.)) with 1£¿¡Á£¿103 tissue culture-derived trypomastigotes (TCTs) (Y strain). b Kaplan¨CMeier survival rate curve of animals infected with 1£¿¡Á£¿104 TCTs (Y strain). c Anti-¦Á-Gal Ab levels as measured by chemiluminescent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using Gal¦Á3LN-BSA as antigen. RLU relative luminescence units. Infected C57BL/6 ¦Á1,3GalT-WT mice were compared to knockout (KO) mice by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey¡¯s multiple comparison test. *p£¿<£¿0.05; ****p£¿<£¿0.0001. d Serum cytokine profile of ¦Á1,3GalT-WT and ¦Á1,3GalT-KO mice infected (i.p.) with 1£¿¡Á£¿103 TCTs and followed up for 28 days. N naive. Lysis of TCTs (1£¿¡Á£¿107/mL) by serum e or purified anti-¦Á-Gal Abs f from ¦Á1,3GalT-WT and ¦Á1,3GalT-KO mice infected (i.p.) with 1£¿¡Á£¿103 TCTs. Unbound immunoglobulin G (IgG), non-anti-¦Á-Gal IgG antibodies (Abs) (flow through) from Synsorb 115 immunoaffinity chromatography; anti-¦Á-Gal IgG, anti-¦Á-Gal Abs eluted from Synsorb 115. Inhibition of parasite host cell invasion g and intracellular amastigote proliferation h. LLC-MK2 cells were infected with Y strain TCTs (multiplicity of infection£¿=£¿10), for 2£¿h at 37£¿¡ãC, in the presence or not of 100£¿¦Ìg/well of murine non-anti-¦Á-Gal IgG Abs (Unbound IgG from Synsorb 115) or purified murine anti-¦Á-Gal IgG Abs or control (None, medium alone). Number of infected cells per 1000 cells was evaluated after staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. a, b, f, g One-way ANOVA with Dunn¡¯s multiple comparisons test. ***p£¿<£¿0.001; ****p£¿<£¿0.0001. The p values in a, b pertain to the mean values of the ¦Á1,3GalT-KO group in comparison with the ¦Á1,3GalT-WT throughout the course of the experiment. Error bars indicate S.E. %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6430786/