%0 Journal Article %T Plant-derived virus-like particle vaccines drive cross-presentation of influenza A hemagglutinin peptides by human monocyte-derived macrophages %A Alexander I. Makarkov %A Angelica A. Gopal %A Brian J. Ward %A Elizabeth Ruiz-Lancheros %A Ian N. Costas-Cancelas %A Isabelle Rouiller %A Makan Golizeh %A Momar Ndao %A Nathalie Charland %A Nathalie Landry %A Paul W. Wiseman %A Sabrina Chierzi %A Stephane Pillet %J Archive of "NPJ Vaccines". %D 2019 %R 10.1038/s41541-019-0111-y %X Characterization of influenza HA presented on H1-VLPs and recombinant soluble H1 protein. a SDS-PAGE of H1-VLPs and soluble H1 protein (2.5 and 5.0£¿¦Ìg per sample) followed by Coomassie blue staining. Representative image from 3 experiments shown. b Immunoblot analysis of H1-VLPs and soluble H1 protein using rabbit polyclonal anti-H1 antibody. Representative image from 3 experiments shown. c Immunoblot analysis of H1-VLPs and soluble H1 protein using mouse monoclonal anti-H1 antibody. Representative image from 3 experiments shown. d Representative TEM image shows H1-VLPs with nanogold immunolabeled HA. Arrows indicate HA-bearing VLPs surrounded by nanogold particles on the surface of MDM exposed to H1-VLPs. Scale bar¨C100£¿nm. e Representative TEM image shows endosomal accumulation of nanogold immunolabeled HA in MDM. Arrows indicate HA-loaded endosomes in MDM exposed to H1-VLPs for 15£¿min. Scale bar¨C500£¿n %K Recombinant vaccine %K Cellular immunity %K Influenza virus %K Vaccines %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6520342/