%0 Journal Article %T Effect of vaccination against oral HPV-16 infection in high school students in the city of Cali, Colombia %A Adri¨˘n Fern¨˘ndez %A Andres Castillo %A Fabi¨˘n M¨¦ndez %A Gabriela Arturo %A Julio Cesar Osorio %A Liliana Alarc¨®n %A Luis Eduardo Bravo %A Rolando Herrero %J Archive of "Papillomavirus Research". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.pvr.2019.03.001 %X In recent years, an association between HPV-16 and oropharyngeal cancers has been reported. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether vaccination decreases the exposure of HPV-16 in the oral cavity %K HPV %K Human papillomavirus viruses %K Vaccination %K Student %K Oral cavity %K Oropharynx %K Viral sexually transmitted disease %K HPV-16 %K Colombia %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6416654/