%0 Journal Article %T Oxidation of Hydroxy- and Dihydroxybenzoic Acids Under the Udenfriend's Conditions. An HPLC Study %A G¨˘bor Ma¨˘sz %A Lilla Sziva %A M¨®nika Kuzma %A Nikoletta Kov¨˘cs %A P¨˘l Perj¨¦si %A P¨¦ter Avar %J Archive of "The Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal". %D 2018 %R 10.2174/1874104501812010013 %X Non-enzymatic hydroxylation of aromatic compounds to the respective phenolic derivatives is a possible metabolic pathway of xenobiotics. The formed metabolites can undergo consecutive oxidative reactions with free radicals to form potential toxic molecules %K Udenfriend's system %K Hydroxyl radical %K Salicylic acid %K Dihydroxybenzoic acid %K HPLC-UV-Vis %K HPLC-ESI-MS %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5815051/