%0 Journal Article %T Characterization of Actinobacterial Communities from Arauca River Sediments (Colombia) Reveals Antimicrobial Potential Presented in Low Abundant Isolates %A Alejandro Acosta-Gonzalez %A Carolina Arango %A Claudia M. Parra-Giraldo %A Luis E. D¨Şaz %A Russell Kerr %A Zilpa A. S¨˘nchez-Quitian %J Archive of "The Open Microbiology Journal". %D 2018 %R 10.2174/1874285801812010181 %X New strategies have been arisen to set a rapid and effective screening for selection of microorganism with bioactive potential. This study suggests that combination of physicochemical pretreatments and taxonomic dereplication of microbial collections through MALDI-TOF MS, facilitates the detection of low abundance actinobacteria with potential as a source of antimicrobial agents %K Actinobacteria %K Antimicrobial %K Bioprospecting %K MALDI-TOF MS %K Physicochemical pretreatments %K Taxonomic dereplication %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5997859/