%0 Journal Article %T Eph/Ephrin Signaling Controls Progenitor Identities In The Ventral Spinal Cord %A Alice Davy %A Anthony Kischel %A Cathy Soula %A Christophe Audouard %A Daniel J. Liebl %A Julien Laussu %A Nathalie Escalas %A Poincyane Assis-Nascimento %J Archive of "Neural Development". %D 2017 %R 10.1186/s13064-017-0087-0 %X In the vertebrate spinal cord, motor neurons (MN) are generated in stereotypical numbers from a pool of dedicated progenitors (pMN) whose number depends on signals that control their specification but also their proliferation and differentiation rates. Although the initial steps of pMN specification have been extensively studied, how pMN numbers are regulated over time is less well characterized %K Ephrins %K Neural tube %K Progenitors %K Fate %K Motor neurons %K Sonic hedgehog %K Mouse %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5463316/