%0 Journal Article %T Ion exchange: an advanced synthetic method for complex nanoparticles %A Don-Hyung Ha %A Geonhee Cho %A Yoonsu Park %A Yun-Kun Hong %J Archive of "Nano Convergence". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s40580-019-0187-0 %X The crystalline structures of roxbyite Cu2£¿xS and wurtzite CoS/MnS. The selective transformation of template Cu2£¿xS NPs into CoS and MnS NPs is related to the conservation of the HCP anion lattice during the exchange of cation %K Nanocrystal synthesis %K Chemical transformation %K Shape control %K Composition control %K Phase control %K Heterostructure %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6545297/