%0 Journal Article %T A functional genomic screen in vivo identifies CEACAM5 as a clinically relevant driver of breast cancer metastasis %A Caitlin L. Grzeskowiak %A Christopher Bristow %A Christopher Schlosberg %A Emily Powell %A Fei Yang %A Frederick Robinson %A Han Liang %A Hector M. Picon %A Helen Piwnica-Worms %A Ignacio Wistuba %A Jiansu Shao %A John R. Edwards %A Kenneth L. Scott %A Michael Peoples %A Sabrina L. Jeter-Jones %A Stacy L. Moulder %A Timothy P. Heffernan %A William F. Symmans %A Yun Wu %A Zhongqi Ge %J Archive of "NPJ Breast Cancer". %D 2018 %R 10.1038/s41523-018-0062-x %X PDX lung metastasis signatures identify genes de-regulated in metastases. a Schematic representation of MPF tumors and lungs metastases isolated for RNAseq. b Principal component analyses (PCAs) from RNAseq data generated from MFP tumors and lung metastases used in this study. Each data point represents one sample from an individual mouse. c GSEA pathway analysis on the enriched lung metastasis signature (P2); the top 5 down (blue)- and up (red)regulated processes are shown. NES, normalized enrichment score. Boxes indicate FDR <0.1 for statistical significance. Enrichment plots for epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) and TGF-¦Â signaling for P0 and P2 are shown in the right-hand panel. p£¿<£¿0.001 for EMT and TGF-¦Â signaling at P0 and P2. d qRT-PCR analysis of vimentin expression in BC3_A2 MFP tumors and metastatic subpopulations isolated from lung. Paired t-tests, p£¿=£¿0.02 for P0 lung, p£¿<£¿0.001 for P2 lung. Each data point represents one mouse. Error bars represent SEM of biological replicates. See also Supplementary Fig. 2. e IHC staining was performed on the indicated tissue sections using an antibody recognizing the human-specific form of vimentin. Scale bars indicate 100£¿¦Ìm. f Waterfall plot showing expression of EMT genes in P0 and P2 lung metastases compared with corresponding MFP tumors. p-values are provided in Supplementary Table 1. Samples from at least three independent mice were included for RNAseq analyse %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5928229/