%0 Journal Article %T Simulated microgravity and the antagonistic influence of strigolactone on plant nutrient uptake in low nutrient conditions %A Christian G¨¹beli %A Daniel Bollier %A Guowei Liu %A Lorenzo Borghi %A Marcel Egli %A Noemi Peter %A Peter Arnold %J Archive of "NPJ Microgravity". %D 2018 %R 10.1038/s41526-018-0054-z %X Petunia mycorrhization in simulated microgravity. a A Petri dish mounted on the RPM to test Petunia germination in s0-g. b Petunia seedlings germinated in s0-g show agravitropic radicle development. c A 40-day-old pPDR1:GUS plantlets (3¡Á) grown in a M1L chamber: shoots (separated) and roots (pooled). d, e pPDR1:GUS expression pattern in main d and lateral e root grown in s0-g. f Comparison of plant growth at 1-g in mock pots and at 1-g and s0-g in M1L chambers. g Mycorrhization rates in WT and PDR1 OE plants grown at 1-g and s0-g. h Mycorrhization rates in WT and pdr1 ko plants grown at 1-g and s0-g. i¨Cl Quantification of mycorrhizal structures relative to the total features scored. Black and gray bars represent 2 different replicates with each 300 root-grid intersections analyzed. Scale bars: a£¿=£¿0.5£¿cm; b, c£¿=£¿1£¿cm; d, e£¿=£¿280£¿¦Ìm. Error bars are s.e.m. A arbuscules, V vesicles, H hypha %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6193021/