%0 Journal Article %T One health approach in Nepal: Scope, opportunities and challenges %A Krishna Kaphle %A Krishna Prasad Acharya %A Kshitiz Shrestha %A Surendra Karki %J Archive of "One Health". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.onehlt.2019.100101 %K Animal health %K Budget %K Environmental health %K Human health %K Infectious diseases %K Non-governmental organizations %K Zoonoses AFU %K Agriculture and Forestry University %K AICP %K Avian Influenza Control Project %K AMR %K Antimicrobial resistance %K AMRCSC %K AMR multi-sectoral steering committee %K ANSAB %K Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bio-resources %K AMU %K Antimicrobial Use %K CDC %K Center for Disease Control and Prevention %K CVL %K Central Veterinary Laboratory %K DFTQC %K Department of Food Technology and Quality Control %K DHS %K Department of Health Services %K DLS %K Department of Livestock Services %K DoAH %K Directorate of Animal Health %K EDCD %K Epidemiology and Disease Control Division %K FAO %K Food and Agriculture Organization %K GoN %K Government of Nepal %K HPAI %K Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza %K MERS %K Middle East Respiratory Syndrome %K MoALD %K Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development %K MoHP %K Ministry of Health and Population %K NPHL %K National Public Health Laboratory %K NGO %K Non-Governmental Organizations %K NTWC %K National Technical Working Committees %K NZFHRC %K National Zoonosis and Food Hygiene Research Center %K NOHH %K Nepal One Health Hub %K OH %K One Health %K OHAN %K One Health Alliance Nepal %K OIE %K World Organization for Animal Health %K PVS %K Performance of Veterinary Services %K RI %K Relief International %K UN %K United Nations %K WHO %K World Health Organization %K ZCP %K Zoonosis Control Project %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6715885/