%0 Journal Article %T Ibrutinib induces chromatin reorganisation of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells %A Andy C. Rawstron %A David R. Westhead %A Ildar I. Sadreev %A Katie B. Holmes %A Pascal F. Lefevre %A Peter Hillmen %A Tal Munir %J Archive of "Oncogenesis". %D 2019 %R 10.1038/s41389-019-0142-2 %X a Evolution of CLL cells count and (B) Ki67+ cells for the 16 patients included in the study comparing treatment-na£¿ve (TN) and relapsed-refractory (RR) patients during (a) the first 120 days or (b) up to 9 months on Ibrutinib. Peripheral CLL cell counts from peripheral blood are expressed as a ratio vs. cell count the day of the first Ibrutinib ingestion. Paired Student¡¯s t-test has been performed comparing cell count at variable time points compared to T0, *t-value£¿<£¿0.05, **t-value£¿<£¿0.01 and ***t-value£¿<£¿0.001. Student¡¯s t-test has also been performed comparing TN to RR for each time point, +t-value£¿<£¿0.0 %K Histone post-translational modifications %K Targeted therapies %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6510766/