%0 Journal Article %T Deep sequencing of circulating exosomal microRNA allows non-invasive glioblastoma diagnosis %A Brindha Shivalingam %A Catherine M. Suter %A Fatemeh Vafaee %A Heidi Beadnall %A Heng Wei %A Kimberley L. Kaufman %A Laveniya Satgunaseelan %A Maggie Yuk T. Lee %A Michael E. Buckland %A Michael H. Barnett %A Paul E. Young %A Saeideh Ebrahimkhani %A Susannah Hallal %J Archive of "NPJ Precision Oncology". %D 2018 %R 10.1038/s41698-018-0071-0 %X Characterization of serum exosomes isolated in fractions 8¨C10 by size exclusion chromatography prior to miRNA sequencing. a Size distribution of particles as analyzed by nanoparticle tracking analysis. b Transmission electron microscopy allowed visualization of vesicles with sizes ranging from 60 to 110£¿nm in diameter, scale bars£¿=£¿500£¿nm (b-1, wide field) and 200£¿nm (b-2, close-up). c-1 Mass spectrometry-based proteome analysis of size chromatographic elution fractions 8¨C10 identified all top 10 exosome marker proteins and c-2 showed significant enrichment of proteins characteristic of exosomes and blood microparticles. Proteins identified in fractions 8¨C10 showed limited, non-significant associations with compartments like the nucleolus, where certain miRNA species are concentrated. d Bioanalyzer trace of RNA extracted from serum exosomes shows the main population of small RNA and no ribosomal RN %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6290767/