%0 Journal Article %T Increased oxidative phosphorylation in response to acute and chronic DNA damage %A Alban Longchamp %A Bruce S Kristal %A Chih-Hao Lee %A Dorathy Vargas %A Edward Neilan %A Humberto Trevi£żo-Villarreal %A James R Mitchell %A Karen Inouye %A Kristopher Stanya %A Lear E Brace %A Pedro Mejia %A Roderick T Bronson %A Rose M Gathungu %A Sarah C Vose %A Vasant R Marur %J Archive of "NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease". %D 2016 %R 10.1038/npjamd.2016.22 %X LEB, SCV and JRM designed the experiments. LEB, SCV, KS, RMG, AL, JHTV, PM, DV and KI performed the experiments. LEB, VRM, RTB, C-HL, EN, BSK and JRM analyzed the data. LEB and JRM wrote the paper. All authors reviewed the paper %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5514997/