%0 Journal Article %T Opposing activities of oncogenic MIR17HG and tumor suppressive MIR100HG clusters and their gene targets regulate replicative senescence in human adult stem cells %A Aibek Smagul %A Aikan A. Akanov %A Aliya Nussupbekova %A Bryan Krastins %A I. King Jordan %A Lu Wang %A Mary F. Lopez %A Maryann Vogelsang %A Meenakshi Gaur %A Ping Niu %A Victoria V. Lunyak %A Yueqiang Zhao %J Archive of "NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease". %D 2017 %R 10.1038/s41514-017-0006-y %X Schematic representation of sample collection for analysis and immunological stability of hADSCs upon replicative SEN. a hADSCs were isolated from healthy donor subcutaneous tissue and passaged ex-vivo as described in materials and methods. Colorimetric detection of SA-¦Â-Gal (10x) in SR and SEN hADSCs is shown. Samples were collected and processed for transcriptomic and proteomic studies as described in material and methods. b The table summarizes immunostability of hADSCs in SR and senescent states, which were assessed by expression of MSC-positive and MSC-negative CD markers, details shown in Supplementary Table S %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5460214/