%0 Journal Article %T ISGF3 with reduced phosphorylation is associated with constitutive expression of interferon-induced genes in aging cells %A Eri Tanaka %A Kazuhiko Koike %A Kazuma Sekiba %A Mari Yamagami %A Motoko Ohno %A Motoyuki Otsuka %A Rei Ishibashi %A Takahiro Kishikawa %A Takahiro Seimiya %A Tatsunori Suzuki %J Archive of "NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease". %D 2018 %R 10.1038/s41514-018-0030-6 %X In vitro aging of NHDFs after serial passages. a NHDFs isolated from normal human dermal fibroblasts were obtained at passage 2. After starting the cultures, cells were passaged every 3 days. Early passage cells, passages 3 (p3) to 6 (p6); senescent cells, passage£¿>£¿20. b Confirmation of the aging of NHDFs at later passages. SA-¦Â-gal, a senescence marker, was stained in cells at passages 3 (p3) and 21 (p21). Staining was denser in cells at later passages. Representative results from three independent experiments are shown. Bar, 10£¿¦̀m. Positive cells were determined by counting 20 cells in every fifth field of view from three experiments in each group. Data are expressed as means£¿¡À£¿standard errors (s.e.). *p£¿<£¿0.05. c Higher p16INK4A protein levels and lower SIRT1 levels were detected in HNDFs at passage 23 (p23) compared with at passage 5 (p5), as determined by western blotting. Representative results from three independent experiments are show %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6237867/