%0 Journal Article %T AgBR1 antibodies delay lethal Aedes aegypti-borne West Nile virus infection in mice %A Andrew K. Hastings %A Doug E. Brackney %A Erol Fikrig %A Philip M. Armstrong %A Ryuta Uraki %J Archive of "NPJ Vaccines". %D 2019 %R 10.1038/s41541-019-0120-x %X AgBR1 antiserum protects mice from mosquito-borne WNV virus infection. a The schematic of the experiment. Mice were administrated AgBR1 antiserum one day before WNV-infected mosquito feeding. Immunized mice were monitored for survival for 10 days after infected mosquito feeding. b The virus levels in blood of mice fed by an infected mosquito. Blood was collected every other day for 7 days from mice fed on by WNV-infected mosquitoes and analyzed by qRT-PCR. WNV RNA levels were normalized to mouse 汕 actin RNA levels. Mice immunized with naˋve serum served as controls. Error bars represent meanˋ㊣ˋSEM. Each data point represents one mouse. Normalized viral RNA levels were analyzed using one-tailed Wilcoxon每Mann每Whitney test (nˋ=ˋ13/each group biologically independent samples pooled from three separate experiments). c The weight of mice fed by an infected mosquito. Mice were monitored daily after WNV infection. Error bars represent meanˋ㊣ˋSEM. Weight at each time point were compared using one-tailed Wilcoxon每Mann每Whitney test (nˋ=ˋ13/each group biologically independent samples pooled from three separate experiments). d Survival was assessed by a Gehan每Wilcoxon test (nˋ=ˋ13/each group biologically independent samples pooled from three separate experiments %K Vaccines %K West nile virus %K Viral infection %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6614468/