%0 Journal Article %T Ubiquitous overexpression of the DNA repair factor dPrp19 reduces DNA damage and extends Drosophila life span %A Hanna Dellago %A Johannes Grillari %A Kathrin Garschall %A Markus Schosserer %A Martina G¨˘likov¨˘ %A Thomas Flatt %J Archive of "NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease". %D 2017 %R 10.1038/s41514-017-0005-z %X dPrp19 is the Drosophila melanogaster ortholog of human PRP19/SNEV/hPso4. a Prp19 is well-conserved from D. melanogaster to humans, as shown in an alignment of the protein sequences of D. melanogaster dPrp19 and human PRP19/SNEV/hPso4. The two orthologs have an amino acid identity of 66% and a sequence similarity of 81%. The human site of ATM phosphorylation, Ser149, is substituted for Gln in Drosophila (indicated by the black arrow). b dPrp19 expression is higher in female D. melanogaster and decreases with age. Comparison of dPrp19 mRNA levels in male (gray) and female (black) wild-type flies at 6, 14, 21, and 28 days of adulthood shows that dPrp19 levels decrease in females between days 21 and 28. Values represent means across three biological replicates (ˇŔ1 standard deviation), normalized to Gapdh2 and Tubulin and average %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5445577/