%0 Journal Article %T Blocking negative effects of senescence in human skin fibroblasts with a plant extract %A Abdoel El Ghalbzouri %A Alix Toribio %A Ana£¿s Tromeur %A Andr¨¦ Dargen de Matos Branco %A Benjamin Sevcnikar %A Dominik Autheried %A Erwin Tschachler %A Florian Gruber %A Francois Lejeune %A Fr¨¦d¨¦rique Morizot %A Hanna Dellago %A Ingo L£¿mmermann %A Irina Berlin %A Johannes Grillari %A Juan Carlos Higareda Almaraz %A Lionel Weinberg %A Lisa Kleissl %A Lucia Terlecki-Zaniewicz %A Marcel Scheideler %A Marion Rietveld %A Markus Schosserer %A Nicola Fuzzati %A Regina Weinm¨¹llner %A Sandra Forestier %J Archive of "NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease". %D 2018 %R 10.1038/s41514-018-0023-5 %X 1201 delays the acquisition of a senescent phenotype. a HDFs were cultivated with growth medium supplemented with 1201 from day 71 (PD 32) of the replicative lifespan experiment onwards. Control cells were cultivated with normal growth medium. Microscopic pictures were taken at ¡Á100 magnification. Scale bar, 100£¿¦Ìm. b Growth curve of the replicative lifespan experiment. At the end of the replicative lifespan the cell number was determined at regular intervals and population doublings were adjusted using the equation PD=PDprev+3.32*(logN-logNprev) to compensate for decreasing cell density. At regular intervals during the lifespan experiment, RNA samples were prepared and the mRNA expression of c p21, d markers for the papillary and e reticular phenotype was determined with RT-qPCR. Expression levels of replicatively young (PD 11.5) control cells were set to 1. Data represent one experiment and error bars are calculated from four technical replicate %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5895844/