%0 Journal Article %T Retrospective Review of Student Research Projects in a Canadian Master of Science in Physical Therapy Programme and the Perceived Impact on Advisors' Research Capacity, Education, Clinical Practice, Knowledge Translation, and Health Policy %A Courtney Lacey %A Julie Ardron %A Kelly K. O'Brien %A Martyna Garbaczewska %A Nancy M. Salbach %A Ryan Sellan %A Stephanie Scodras %J Archive of "Physiotherapy Canada". %D 2018 %R 10.3138/ptc.2016-83 %K clinical protocols %K evidence-based practice %K research %K students %K education ¨¦ducation %K ¨¦tudiants %K pratique fond¨¦e sur des donn¨¦es probantes %K protocoles cliniques %K recherche %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5938079/