%0 Journal Article %T Pharmacist-led medication non-adherence intervention: reducing the economic burden placed on the Australian health care system %A Andrea Torres-Robles %A Barry Drake %A Elyssa Wiecek %A Naomi Van der Linden %A Rachelle Louise Cutler %A Shalom I (Charlie) Benrimoj %A Victoria Garcia-Cardenas %J Archive of "Patient preference and adherence". %D 2019 %R 10.2147/PPA.S191482 %X Background: Scarcity of prospective medication non-adherence cost measurements for the Australian population with no directly measured estimates makes determining the burden medication non-adherence places on the Australian health care system difficult. This study aims to indirectly estimate the national cost of medication non-adherence in Australia comparing the cost prior to and following a community pharmacy-led intervention %K medication adherence %K community pharmacy %K big data %K dispensing records %K health economics %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6537038/