%0 Journal Article %T COP1 regulates the stability of CAM7 to promote photomorphogenic growth %A Dhirodatta Senapati %A Jay Prakash Maurya %A Ritu Kushwaha %A Siddhartha Dutta %A Srabasthi Biswas %A Sreeramaiah N. Gangappa %A Sudip Chattopadhyay %J Archive of "Plant Direct". %D 2019 %R 10.1002/pld3.144 %X The unique member of the calmodulin gene family, Calmodulin7 (CAM7), plays a crucial role as transcriptional regulator to promote Arabidopsis seedling development. CAM7 regulates the expression of HY5, which is intimately involved in the promotion of photomorphogenic growth and lightİ\regulated gene expression. COP1 ubiquitin ligase suppresses photomorphogenesis by degrading multiple photomorphogenesis promoting factors including HY5 in darkness. Genetic interaction studies, in this report, reveal that CAM7 and COP1 coİ\ordinately work to promote photomorphogenic growth and lightİ\regulated gene expression at lower intensity of light. CAM7 physically interacts with COP1 in the nucleus. Further, in vivo study suggests that CAM7 and COP1 interaction is light intensity dependent. We have also shown that functional COP1 is required for optimum accumulation of CAM7 at lower fluences of light. Taken together, this study demonstrates the coordinated function of CAM7 and COP1 in Arabidopsis seedling development %K Arabidopsis %K CAM7 and COP1 %K gene expression %K photomorphogenesis %K protein stability %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6593147/