%0 Journal Article %T Cytotoxic Compounds from Wrightia pubescens (R.Br.) %A Chien-Chang Shen %A Consolacion Y. Ragasa %A Glenn G. Oyong %A Mariquit M. De Los Reyes %A Vincent Antonio S. Ng %J Archive of "Pharmacognosy Research". %D 2018 %R 10.4103/pr.pr_45_17 %X Mixtures of ursolic acid (1) and oleanolic acid (2) (1:1 and 1:2), oleanolic acid (2), squalene (3), chlorophyll a (4), wrightiadione (5), and ¦Á-amyrin acetate (6) were isolated from the dichloromethane (CH2 Cl2) extracts of the leaves and twigs of Wrightia pubescens (R.Br.) %K Apocynaceae %K chlorophyll a %K cytotoxicity %K half maximal inhibitory concentration %K HCT-116 %K HT-29 %K HDFn %K MCF-7 %K oleanolic acid %K PrestoBlue£¿ cell viability assay %K squalene %K ursolic acid %K Wrightia pubescens R. Brown %K wrightiadione %K ¦Á-amyrin acetate %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5855380/