%0 Journal Article %T Correlation of regional deposition dosage for inhaled nanoparticles in human and rat olfactory %A Chunying Chen %A Jiyuan Tu %A Kiao Inthavong %A Lin Tian %A Ru Bai %A Rui Chen %A Yidan Shang %J Archive of "Particle and Fibre Toxicology". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s12989-019-0290-8 %X Human and rat nasal and olfactory model: (a) upper respiratory airways, olfactory brain pathways, and particle release profile; (b) 2D unwrapped nasal cavity surface model. (Brain images: Univ ersity of Calgary, 2006 (human), The Scientist, 2015 (rat)); (c) sample cross section of nasal and olfactory channe %K Inhalation toxicity %K Neurotoxicity %K Nanoparticles %K Nasal olfactory %K Olfactory pathway %K Olfactory deposition %K Human and rat interspecies extrapolation %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6346518/