%0 Journal Article %T Inhibition of ERK1/2 or AKT Activity Equally Enhances Radiation Sensitization in B16F10 Cells %A Bhuvanesh Sukhlal Kalal %A Chilakapati Murali Krishna %A Dinesh Upadhya %A Faraz Fathima %A Ganesh Sanjeev %A Vinitha Ramanath Pai %J Archive of "World Journal of Oncology". %D 2018 %R 10.14740/wjon1088w %X The aim of the study was to evaluate the radiation sensitizing ability of ERK1/2, PI3K-AKT and JNK inhibitors in highly radiation resistant and metastatic B16F10 cells which carry wild-type Ras and Braf %K Radiation %K Pathway inhibitors %K Cell signalling %K Cell death %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5862079/