%0 Journal Article %T Perioperative chemotherapy versus neoadjuvant chemoradiation for patients with adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus in Austria: a retrospective analysis %A Alexander Perathoner %A Andreas Tschoner %A Dietmar £¿fner %A Karin S. Kapp %A Klaus Emmanuel %A Martin Varga %A Michael Weitzendorfer %A Oliver O. Koch %A Philipp Gehwolf %A Reinhold F¨¹gger %A Richard Partl %J Archive of "World Journal of Surgical Oncology". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s12957-019-1693-6 %X Demographic data and tumor-stag %K Adenocarcinoma %K Esophagus %K Chemotherapy %K Chemoradiation %K Esophagectomy %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6701048/