%0 Journal Article %T A Carbon-Fiber Sheet Resistor for MR-, CT-, SPECT-, and PET-Compatible Temperature Maintenance in Small Animals %A Ana L. Gomes %A Bart Cornelissen %A Gemma M. Dias %A Paul Kinchesh %A Philip D. Allen %A Sean C. Smart %A Sheena Wallington %A Stuart Gilchrist %A Veerle Kersemans %J Archive of "Tomography". %D 2019 %R 10.18383/j.tom.2019.00008 %X A magnetic resonance (MR)-, computed tomography (CT)-, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)-, and positron emission tomography (PET)-compatible carbon-fiber sheet resistor for temperature maintenance in small animals where space limitations prevent the use of circulating fluids was developed. A 250 ¦¸ carbon-fiber sheet resistor was mounted to the underside of an imaging cradle. Alternating current, operating at 99 kHz, and with a power of 1-2 W, was applied to the resistor providing a cradle base temperature of ˇ«37ˇăC. Temperature control was implemented with a proportional¨Cintegral¨Cderivative controller, and temperature maintenance was demonstrated in 4 mice positioned in both MR and PET/SPECT/CT scanners. MR and CT compatibility were also shown, and multimodal MR-CT-PET-SPECT imaging of the mouse abdomen was performed in vivo. Core temperature was maintained at 35.5ˇăC ˇŔ 0.2ˇăC. No line-shape, frequency, or image distortions attributable to the current flow through the heater were observed on MR. Upon CT imaging, no heater-related artifacts were observed when carbon-fiber was used. Multimodal imaging was performed and images could be easily coregistered, displayed, analyzed, and presented. Carbon fiber sheet resistors powered with high-frequency alternating current allow homeothermic maintenance that is compatible with multimodal imaging. The heater is small, and it is easy to produce and integrate into multimodal imaging cradles %K carbon fiber %K heater %K multimodal imaging %K MR-CT-PET-SPECT compatibility %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6588203/