%0 Journal Article %T Shaping markets to benefit global health ¨C A 15-year history and lessons learned from the pentavalent vaccine market %A Andrew Jones %A Aurelia Nguyen %A Edward Baker %A Gian Gandhi %A Melissa Malhame %A Philipp Kalpaxis %A Robyn Iqbal %A Yalda Momeni %J Archive of "Vaccine: X". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.jvacx.2019.100033 %K Market shaping %K Global health %K Vaccines %K Immunisation %K Pentavalent %K Market dynamics US$ %K United States Dollar %K B %K billion %K BMGF %K The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation %K DALY %K disability-adjusted life-years %K DTP %K diphtheria tetanus pertussis vaccine %K DTwP %K diphtheria tetanus whole-cell pertussis vaccine %K Gavi %K Gavi The Vaccine Alliance %K HepB %K hepatitis B vaccine %K Hib %K haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine %K HMF %K Healthy Market Framework %K IPV %K inactivated polio virus %K M %K million %K MIC %K middle-income country %K NRA %K National Regulatory Authority %K PAHO %K Pan American Health Organization %K Roadmap %K Supply and Procurement Roadmap %K PRG %K Procurement Reference Group %K SPS %K Supply and Procurement Strategy %K WAP %K weighted average price %K WHO %K World Health Organization %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6668221/