%0 Journal Article %T Role of nanostructures in improvising oral medicine %A Parames C. Sil %A Shatadal Ghosh %A Sumit Ghosh %J Archive of "Toxicology Reports". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.toxrep.2019.04.004 %K AD %K Alzheimer¡¯s disease %K AmB %K amphotericin B %K AMCNS %K cationic niosome-based azithromycin delivery systems %K AP %K acetylpuerarin %K AT1R %K angiotensin II receptor type 1 %K BCRP %K breast cancer resistance protein %K CNL %K conventional lipid nanoparticles %K CSC %K core shell corona nanolipoparticles %K DCK %K N-deoxycholyl-l-lysyl-methylester %K DDS %K drug delivery system %K DM %K diabetes mellitus %K DOX %K doxorubicin %K EPR %K enhanced permeability and retention effect %K FRET %K Foster resonance energy transfer %K 5-FU %K 5-fluorouracil %K GI %K gastrointestinal %K GMO %K glyceryl monoolein %K IBD %K inflammatory bowel disease %K LG %K Lakshadi Guggul %K LNC %K Lipid Nanocapsule %K MFS %K Miltefosine %K MNBNC %K Micronucleated Binucleated Cells %K MSN %K mesoporous silica nanoparticle %K MTX %K methotrexate %K NP %K nanoparticle %K NPC %K nanoparticulate carriers %K NSAID %K non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug %K OA %K osteoarthritis %K OXA %K oxaliplatin %K PAMAM %K poly (amidoamine) %K PD %K Parkinson¡¯s disease %K PEG %K polyethylene glycol %K PIP %K 1-piperoylpiperidine %K PLGA %K polylactic-co-glycolic acid %K PNL %K PEGylated lipid nanoparticles %K pSi %K porous silicon %K pSiO %K porous silica oxide %K PZQ %K praziquantel %K SLN %K solid lipid nanoparticle %K SMA %K styrene maleic acid %K SMEDD %K self microemulsifying drug delivery system %K TB %K tuberculosis %K Tmf %K tamoxifen %K TNBS %K trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid %K TPGS %K tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate %K WGA %K wheat germ agglutinin Oral medicine %K Nanostructures %K Drug delivery system %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6502743/