%0 Journal Article %T Comparative effect of indomethacin (IndoM) on the enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism, brush border membrane and oxidative stress in the kidney, small intestine and liver of rats %A Ahad Noor Khan Yusufi %A Faiz Noor Khan Yusufi %A Sheeba Khan %J Archive of "Toxicology Reports". %D 2019 %R 10.1016/j.toxrep.2019.04.010 %K ACPase %K Acid phosphatase an enzyme %K ALP %K Alkaline phosphatase an enzyme %K ANOVA %K Analysis of variance statistical tool %K ATP %K Adenosine 5¡¯-triphosphate energy currency %K BBM %K Brush border membrane intestinal membrane %K BBMV %K Brush border membrane vesicles %K BUN %K Blood urea nitrogen blood parameter %K GGTase %K ¦Ã-Glutammyl transferase an enzyme %K G6Pase %K Glucose-6-phosphatase an enzyme %K G6PDH %K Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase an enzyme %K HK %K Hexokinase an enzyme %K HMP %K Hexose monophosphate %K LDH %K Lactate dehydrogenase an enzyme %K LAP %K Leucine amino peptidase %K an enzyme %K LPO %K Lipid peroxidation %K MDH %K Malate dehydrogenase an enzyme %K ME %K Malic enzyme an enzyme %K NADPH %K Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced) reducing equivalent %K NADP+ %K Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate %K Pi %K Inorganic phosphate %K ROS %K Reactive oxygen species %K SOD %K Superoxide dismutase %K an enzyme %K SH %K Sulfhydryl groups %K TCA cycle %K Tri-carboxylic acid cycle Indomethacin %K Carbohydrate metabolism %K Oxidative stress %K Kidney %K Intestine %K Liver %K Toxicity %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6506459/