%0 Journal Article %T Morphogenesis and development of midgut symbiotic organ of the stinkbug Plautia stali (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) %A Minoru Moriyama %A Ryuichi Koga %A Sayumi Oishi %A Takema Fukatsu %J Archive of "Zoological Letters". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s40851-019-0134-2 %X Symbiotic organ of P. stali. a An adult insect. b Dorsal view of a dissected insect. c An isolated alimentary tract, in which M4 represents the symbiotic organ. d An enlarged image of the symbiotic organ with numerous crypts in four rows. Three rows are seen (arrowheads), whereas another row is behind. e, f Toluidine blue staining of a longitudinal section (e) and a cross section (f) of the symbiotic organ. g FISH detection of the symbiotic bacteria in a dissected alimentary tract. h, i FISH detection of the symbiotic bacteria on a longitudinal section (h) and a cross section (i) of the symbiotic organ. In g¨Ci, blue and red signals indicate hostĄ¯s nuclear DNA and symbiotic bacteria, respectively. Arrowheads and asterisks show the crypt rows and the main tract of the midgut symbiotic organ, respectively. Abbreviations: F, foregut; M1, midgut first section; M2, midgut second section; M3, midgut third section; M4b, bulb-like section aboral to M4; M4, midgut fourth section, the symbiotic organ with crypts; H, hindgut; ov, ovary; mp, Malpighian tubul %K Stinkbug %K Plautia stali %K Gut %K Symbiotic bacteria %K Pantoea %K Symbiotic organ %K Midgut crypt %K Development %K Evolution %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6544922/