%0 Journal Article %T A 100-million-year old predator: a fossil neuropteran larva with unusually elongated mouthparts %A Carolin Haug %A Joachim T. Haug %A Patrick M¨¹ller %J Archive of "Zoological Letters". %D 2019 %R 10.1186/s40851-019-0144-0 %X Overview and details of the new neuropteran larva (SMNS BU-355) with large stylets. a¨Cd. Composite white-light micrograph. a. Overview image of the amber piece. b¨Cd. Ring illumination, reflective. b. Overview of specimen in ventral view (white background). c. Overview of specimen in dorsal view (black background) d. Close up of head in ventral view (black background). e, f. Composite auto-fluorescence micrographs; dorsal view on head. e. Native. f. Structures highlighted by colour-markings; stemmata in orange, subdivision of antennae in blue and cyan. g, h. Composite white-light micrographs. g. Ventral region of head (white background); labial palp subdivision highlighted by colour-markings. h. Posterior trunk (abdomen) under coaxial cross-polarised light, providing more contrast for recognising folds and setae. Colour in background is side effect of polarisation. Abbreviations: 1¨C22£¿=£¿number of elements; ab£¿=£¿abdomen; at£¿=£¿antenna (antennula in neutral arthropod terminology); hc£¿=£¿head capsule; lp£¿=£¿labial palp (maxillary palp in neutral arthropod terminology); sp.£¿=£¿scale-like pattern; sy£¿=£¿mandibulo-maxillary stylet; th£¿=£¿thora %K Neuroptera %K Lacewings %K Burmese amber %K Cretaceous %K Convergent evolution %U https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6716810/