%0 Journal Article %T VARIFI¡ªWeb-Based Automatic Variant Identification, Filtering and Annotation of Amplicon Sequencing Data %J Journal of Personalized Medicine | An Open Access Journal from MDPI %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm9010010 %X Fast and affordable benchtop sequencers are becoming more important in improving personalized medical treatment. Still, distinguishing genetic variants between healthy and diseased individuals from sequencing errors remains a challenge. Here we present VARIFI, a pipeline for finding reliable genetic variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions and deletions (indels)). We optimized parameters in VARIFI by analyzing more than 170 amplicon-sequenced cancer samples produced on the Personal Genome Machine (PGM). In contrast to existing pipelines, VARIFI combines different analysis methods and, based on their concordance, assigns a confidence score to each identified variant. Furthermore, VARIFI applies variant filters for biases associated with the sequencing technologies (e.g., incorrectly identified homopolymer-associated indels with Ion Torrent). VARIFI automatically extracts variant information from publicly available databases and incorporates methods for variant effect prediction. VARIFI requires little computational experience and no in-house compute power since the analyses are conducted on our server. VARIFI is a web-based tool available at varifi.cibiv.univie.ac.at. View Full-Tex %U https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4426/9/1/10