%0 Journal Article %T Influence of pH on Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Generation and Reaction Rates during Serpentinization of Peridotite and Olivine %J Minerals | An Open Access Journal from MDPI %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/min9110661 %X Serpentinization produces molecular hydrogen (H2) that is capable of supporting communities of microorganisms in hydrothermal fields, which suggests that serpentinization may be closely related to the origin of life at the early history of the Earth and possibly other planets. In this study, serpentinization experiments were performed at 300 ˇăC and 3.0 kbar with natural olivine and peridotite as starting reactants to quantify the influence of acidic and alkaline solutions on the processes of serpentinization. The results reveal that acidic and alkaline solutions greatly influence molecular hydrogen (H2) generation and the rates of serpentinization. Acidic (pH = 2.50) and alkaline solutions (pH = 13.5) increased H2 production and the rates of peridotite serpentinization. Highly acidic solutions (2 M HCl), however, decreased the production of H2 after peridotite serpentinization by around two orders of magnitude. The decrease in H2 production was associated with a sharp decline in the rates of reaction; e.g., when peridotite was reacted with neutral solutions (0.5 M NaCl), 88% of reaction progress was achieved after an experimental duration of 27 days, and the reaction extent decreased by ~50% for experiments with highly acidic solutions (2 M HCl) over the same period. In contrast, for experiments with solely olivine, highly acidic solutions (2 M HCl) promoted the rates of olivine serpentinization and H2 production. The contrasting effect of highly acidic solutions (2 M HCl) on the processes of olivine and peridotite serpentinization may reflect the influence of pyroxene minerals, which could release SiO2 during peridotite serpentinization and, consequently, hydrogen generation and reaction rates may decrease. The experimental results of this study suggest that H2 production and the rates of serpentinization can be greatly influenced by acidic and alkaline solutions and co-existing minerals (e.g., pyroxene). View Full-Tex %U https://www.mdpi.com/2075-163X/9/11/661