%0 Journal Article %T The influence of resistant soybean cultivars on the biological development of Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) %A Claudimir Lucio do Lago %A Daniela Daniel %A Maria Carolina Blassioli-Moraes %A Miguel Borges %A Mirian F. F. Michereff %A RašČl A. Laumann %J Journal of Plant Interactions %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2019.1662498 %X ABSTRACT Two stink bug-resistant soybean cultivars, Dowling and IAC 100, and one sucepible, Silvania were selected to evaluate their influence on Euschistus heros development. Evaluation of the biology of E. heros was conducted on nymph development, adult longevity, female fecundity and egg fertility in seeds of each cultivar. The results showed that E. heros nymphs reared on cv Dowling did not complete their biological cycle, but it was completed on cvs Silvania and IAC 100. The total amount of six isoflavonoids identified and one flavonol was higher in cv Silvania compared to the levels quantified in cv Dowling. The results showed that cvs Dowling and IAC 100 have constitutive resistance affecting E. heros development and that the major falvonoids quantified in these cultivars are not involved in soybean antibiotic effect observed in this study %U https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17429145.2019.1662498