%0 Journal Article %T Giving and Receiving Feedback %A Kabulova Gulruxsor Ulugbekovna %A Kim Svetlana Terentyevna %J Journal of Linguistics and Literature %D 2019 %R 10.12691/jll-3-1-2 %X This article describes types of feedback and there are some tips to help supervisors to make the feedback effective. It also gives specific information to teachers about what they can do to make students interested in target language and improve their language skills. Effective feedback is dynamic, interactive and can improve performance and motivation of both teachers and students. Supervisors might have concerns that giving feedback is time consuming, repetitious and difficult when performance is poor, and could potentially cause tension in the supervisory relationship. To correct students£¿¡¥ errors has always been, and will always be the concern of most teachers. Some teachers are in favor of immediate correction, while others are in favor of delayed correction. Some would even go further to consider the whole process as time consuming. In this article, I would like to dwell, based on my practical experience, upon this controversial issue to offer some suggestions for both immediate and delayed correction %U http://www.sciepub.com/JLL/abstract/10000