%0 Journal Article %T Free Surface Multiple Removal Using 3D Surface Related Multiple Elimination Technique on 3D Seismic Data from Offshore Niger Delta %A Nwankwo C.N %A Ogagarue D.O. %J Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics %D 2019 %R 10.12691/jgg-7-2-2 %X In addition to de-spiking, gun delay correction, correction for spherical spreading and earth¡¯s absorption, gun and cable correction, zero-phasing, noise attenuation and correction for time shifts between sail lines due to changes in velocity of the water column, multiple elimination is the other important true relative amplitude processing routine desired to produce seismic gathers consistent with DHI and AVO analysis to de-risk the presence of hydrocarbon interpreted from seismic data. Multiple problems associated with seismic data acquired in the Niger Delta offshore are those due mainly to the free air-water interface and the seabed, and their presence constitute noise in the seismic dataset. In this study, we employed an approach in which we convolved all possible source and receiver peglegs for every multiple event that strikes the free surface irrespective of its path in the subsurface to model the multiple wave field in a 3D sense, in a partially processed pre-migration seismic data acquired in the Niger Delta deep offshore. The method of adaptive subtraction was then used to eliminate the modeled multiples from the dataset. Un-like other demultiple techniques such as tau-p deconvolution and radon, our multiple modeling and subtraction techniques do not require prior knowledge of the subsurface geology in terms of the velocity and reflectivity of the multiple wave field. The aim of the study was to improve the overall quality of the seismic data and signal-to-noise ratio, in addition to the DHI and AVO compliant gathers output from the process. The approach was successful and effective in removal of the free, air-water surface multiples from the dataset %U http://www.sciepub.com/JGG/abstract/10346