%0 Journal Article %T Improving the Outcomes of the ˇ°Prediction Problemˇ±: A Framework Approach to Teacher Hiring %A Jerome Cranston %J American Journal of Educational Research %D 2019 %R 10.12691/education-7-7-4 %X This article describes how a deliberate commitment to use a research-based framework of teaching effectiveness can be combined with existing hiring practices to yield better outcomes from the teacher screening and selection process. The author proposes that when school leaders apply a well-developed and agreed-upon framework of teaching effectiveness ¨C one that reflects the expectations of what it means to be effective in a local school context - that the result will be a better hiring process than many of those currently employed. In the end, such a process means that those who demonstrate the greatest promise of being effective in the classroom will be more likely given the opportunity to teach %U http://www.sciepub.com/EDUCATION/abstract/10643